Project 365/52 _ 022.028

Days #022 until #028

Almost one month done πŸ™‚ Some things to say:

day #026 is different: cross-process on film (this was not scanned; I asked for a CD index, better quality, less work);

day #022 was a very sad day;

day #024 is my favourite – my face is out of focus and the glass of the airport is the highlight of this picture. I loved how the whites came out, so nicely.

New Places Online

My works are now on a couple more places online, for you to visit and leave a comment. Here’s one:

_ Thumblr – a new logging experience. This is a very nice platform, actually. I’m still beta-testing it, but it seems to fit my expectations and needs.

I’ve updated the links’ list, so that it now features more galleries. πŸ™‚

Project 365/52 _ 015.021

Now, the photos from day #15 until day #21.


My favourite for the week is the picture of day 21 (corresponding to August 21st, if you haven’t noticed – I began this series on August 1st). It was a hard choice, but I love the colours, the framing and the shadow/highlight match created. It was taken at the Airport (Francisco de SΓ‘ Carneiro Airport, Porto), in the morning.

Project 365/52 _ 008.014

Days 008 to 014

My favourite is 011, the one with the watch. There’s something about that watch, like a fantasy. So, that’s pic for week 2. It was kinda hard to choose between that and the following day, that afternoon was such fun.

Project 365/52 _ 001.007

Days 001 to 007

My favourite for the week is… day 004. You can see me slightly reflected on the glass.

Project 365/52

Hello, everyone passing by.

I have started a 365 days / 52 weeks project of photography. This is not anew, many have done it and it’s a huge challenge to complete a whole year of daily photos.

My plan is to keep doing the daily shots until I get tired of them and also, every week, choose the photo I like the most (of the seven taken for this project). If I can’t manage to do all the 365 days, I’ll just do the “52 weeks” part, choosing a photo taken during the week.

I’d like to hear your opinion on this as well as some criticism on the project itself as it goes by. You’ll find some pictured posted all together, but that’s simply because it’s more pratical to leave a group of pictures to include in one post, clearly ordered, than to post each one individually.

These photos are not here for quality – some will, sure – but specially for the challenge of taking different photos everyday and trying different things: focus, depth of field, colour/black and white, partial portrait/whole portrait, etc, etc, etc.

I hope to hear from you soon,



I’ve been on a break fromΒ  taking pictures, I’m missing it. I’m really hoping to get back to my shooting sessions soon again, since I’m start feeling sick for not taking photos. πŸ˜›

This has a reason: I’ve been more active as a designer right now (reason 1) and… my models are now on holidays or busy as hell (reason 2), which leaves me less options when it comes to photography.

Meanwhile, I took some pictures on a trip to Viseu in late July and I also updated pictures from Porto. But no, life’s not only about travelling! (I wish it was more about it than less about it :P) so, I hope to get my new double exposures printed this week – on the subject “Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell”, you’ll get to this later when I upload them on Flickr. And… finally, I have some black and white film photos to scan and upload, which must happen sometime during this week.

See you soon!