Guinness Storehouse | The whistling oyster

This is the famous Guinness Oyster from the class ad, seen at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin.
The whole house is interactive – just before seeing the oyster, visitors can become part of a classic Guinness ad in a seaside promenade style photo booth.

by aldasilva via:

Guinness Storehouse | The whistling oyster

This is the famous Guinness Oyster from the class ad, seen at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin.
The whole house is interactive – just before seeing the oyster, visitors can become part of a classic Guinness ad in a seaside promenade style photo booth.

by aldasilva via:

Dublin | Homeless Jesus

The first Homeless Jesus statue outside North America stands on the grounds of Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin. It depicts Christ hidden beneath blankets with his identity betrayed only by the holes in his feet and has been designed to prompt public reflection on the plight of the homeless.

by aldasilva via:

Soon: Notebooks!

Every once in a while there are new things on Society 6 to sell, and just in time for this holiday season there will be Notebooks!

Now available: Society6 Notebooks

They will be ready soon and I’ll notify you when the time is right 😉

Here are some specs for you to know:

  • anti-scuff laminate cover
  • wraparound artwork
  • 52 page count
  • high quality 70lb text paper
  • size: 6″ x 8″
  • offered in lined and unlined versions
  • available to purchase in singles or sets of three

Lovely, right? 🙂  I can’t wait to get some for me! ❤

Have a great weekend!
